"One holiday season, our favorite candle company’s Merry Mistletoe scent left us with headaches, and a spill of a plug-in ate the finish off Angie’s dining room table. Frustrated but inspired, Ashley experimented with pouring soy candles while Angie wrestled with her seam ripper. The first candles didn’t impress us much, but a few nights later, Angie had a revelation. She told Ashley, “Those candles… I think we need to do that. I’m either going to do it with you or without you.” Ashley chose to join forces, and our first batch of candles came to life.
From that moment, we knew we wanted to be more than just a candle brand. Our journey was filled with learning and laughter, like when Angie spilled Lemon Bloom wax all over Ashley’s counter, leading to Ashley’s memorable, “Get out of my kitchen.” Since then, Ashley has poured every single candle we've made.
Our first launch featured 36 candles, some in wedding decorations from Angie’s wedding. We learned the ropes of the business through tiny vendor shows and managing orders on Facebook. Despite the challenges, our passion kept us going.

We now launch a seasonal collection five times a year, encompassing Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, and Holiday. In addition to these collections, we maintain an 18-scent Signature Line in stock year-round.
In 2023, we produced a remarkable total of 9,048 products, a milestone we have already surpassed by July 2024. Our sales are primarily conducted through our website, our retail home location, and our highly anticipated seasonal "Sniff Event."

With a strong local following, we are now poised to expand our reach and explore new wholesale opportunities and customers across the United States.
This industry has empowered us to introduce clean ingredient products to a conscientious community dedicated to a sustainable future for themselves and their children. We are also passionate about recreating nostalgic memories through the power of scent.
Our commitment extends beyond being "just a brand." We consistently strive to leverage our local community awareness for positive impact, seeking every opportunity for fundraisers, gratitude projects, and giving back to our community."