Custom Hot Sauce Labels

There may be no condiment with more variations than Hot Sauce. The options seem unlimited in both flavor and heat tolerance. Labels have to succinctly convey both – and unlike most other products, if they fail to do so, the customer will feel it.

Imagine introducing some complementary label designs to show the ratcheting up of heat in your sauce. Add an extra “chili icon” so when they’re side by side on the shelf – your customers will know which tolerance to take. Don’t be afraid to mix up your custom sauce label and increase your shelf appeal, all while still perpetuating your unique brand.

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Challenges with Hot Sauce Labels
The Wizard Labels Solution


You Need Your Hot Sauce Label to Sizzle

Perhaps the deep red color of your hot sauce its signature look? Why cover it up? Maybe you want your custom sauce label to have clear letters to really show it off.


Wizard Labels has the Option of Ultra Clear Label Materials

Ultra clear adhesive and a clear plastic liner create an invisible look that doesn’t discolor or cloud the shade behind the label. It’s like a ghost label on top of your Ghost Chili Sauce.


My Hot Sauce Line comes in many variations

Hot Sauce has to appeal to the wide variety of "hot" tolerances in consumers. We are constantly experimenting with flavor profiles to provide both a flavor and a "heat level" that appeals to our diverse target market.


Wizard Make is Easy to Order Lots of Product Label Variations

Choice is so important in the hot sauce market, Wizard makes it easy to reorder your custom sauce labels in your most popular flavors and allows you to add and subtract versions online. You can keep experimenting without wasting a lot of money on wasted product label inventory.