Privacy Notice,
Wizard Labels LLC


What information do we collect?

There are only two instances where a visitor is required to provide us with identifying information:

1. To receive our free Sample Pack of printed product labels on various materials to help you choose the appropriate one for your needs;
2. When you Register a user profile in preparation for placing an order.

How do we use your information?

The information collected is used solely for the purposes of communication between you and us, and only in specific reference to any queries or orders you may place.

Opt Out

We may occasionally email registered users with information or special offers – but you can opt out of such communications at any time by emailing or calling us. All such emails also have an Opt Out link included in the footer.

How do we share your information?

We do not share your information with any person or entity outside Wizard Labels unless it is specifically essential to the processing of an order or request from you. For example, your name and address would obviously be made available to FedEx for delivery purposes – but the only information shared is the bare minimum needed to satisfy that need.

We do not share, sell, or make available any of your information to any party not specifically involved in the creation and delivery of your labels.

How do we use cookies, web beacons, and tracking technologies?

Wizard Labels’ website does not use any tracking technology, other than that provided by such external services as Google Analytics to monitor traffic patterns. Cookies may be used to store your login information (to make it simpler for you to login next time you visit) – but go ahead and clear those cookies if they bother you.

How do we protect your information?

Any customer information collected in the normal course of business is kept in our secure web server and our internal systems – which are accessible only by appropriate staff with privileged access. Please note that no credit card information is stored anywhere other than the external servers managed by the Authorize.Net merchant gateway. Our merchant agreement specifically forbids the storage of such information other than in that secure environment. We keep none of it internally.

How can you access your information?

Registered users can access their own information (including order history etc) via their user profile. Just click the “Login” link at the top of any webpage and you’ll be prompted for your username and password. If you can’t remember your password, you can request a password reset via the appropriate link. An email will be automatically sent to the registered address with instructions to reset your password.

How can you contact us with privacy questions?

Click here for contact information. Our Terms and Conditions are shown here.